Importance of fire suppression for maritime vessels
Here at MCL, we understand that when it comes to tackling maritime fires it can be very challenging for fire and rescue services due to a number of factors, ranging from the size and nature of the vessel to accessibility. This means maritime fires can be catastrophic and more times than not the vessel will be destroyed or severely damaged beyond repair. However, fires can happen at any time even when offshore and fire & rescue are unable to help, this means people need to take action and fight the fire themselves, however, in most cases, this is not recommended as fires in maritime vessels can develop quickly due to the confined spaces and higher risk of an oil or fuel-based fire.
This is why we are proud to be partners and certified installers of FirePro, an innovative fire suppression device capable of tackling all types of maritime fires. Below are some reasons why you should consider FirePro for your maritime fire safety needs:
- Meet IMO standards.
- Can be linked with fire detection equipment for Automatic Activation
- Fully Certified and recognised by maritime authorities around the world.
- Non-toxic and environmentally friendly.
- Retrofittable for a variety of scenarios and vessel sizes.
- Capable of tacking all types of fire.
- 15-year product life.
- Reduced size compared to alternatives.
- Comes in a variety of sizes to fit in the smallest or largest of spaces.
- Durable from rust and corrosion.
To find out how MCL can help ensure your maritime fire safety or find out more information about Firepro and our installation process please don’t hesitate to get in touch!