
Have you carried out your Fire Prevention Obligations?


The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 states that all workplaces must have adequate safety signs to point people towards fire-fighting equipment, emergency routes, and emergency exits. Primarily, they are used to warn and instruct employees of risks to their health and safety.


McL Fire can provide the correct sign solutions for any Health and Safety risk. We supply an extensive selection of signs in a variety of sizes and materials, which will convey the correct information to suit your circumstances. Safety signs can be a variety of colors – usually red, green, yellow or blue – and may contain images, words or a mixture of the two. It’s essential that you adhere to the fire safety signs in your workplace and any other public space. Below is a list of just some of the signs MCL provide and their uses, for more information you can call the MCL Fire team on 02895219361

For Fire Extinguishers in Belfast, get in touch!

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